On June 14, the National Assembly passed a bill that will toughen regulations on alcohol, which include prohibiting driving under the influence of alcohol, regardless of the blood alcohol concentration, Tuoi Tre reports. The new regulations in the bill will come into effect on January 1, 2020.
In addition to the law against driving under the influence, other new regulations concerning alcohol advertising were also passed: wine and liquor are not allowed on in-kind sponsorships, and companies are banned from hiring people under 18 years old for manufacturing, distributing, selling and advertising alcoholic beverages.
Advertisements for alcohol on radio, broadcasting and print media are not allowed to run from 6pm to 9pm every day, except for ads included in foreign sports programs that are directly broadcasted from a different country.
On advertising channels that cater to people under 18 years old, students and pregnant women, alcohol ads are completely banned. Advertisements of alcoholic beverages are not allowed to use images, music or characters in films or brands that are made for children and students. All advertisements of beverages with an alcohol content higher than 15% are also banned.
Drinking is also banned during normal work and school hours.
[Photo/CC BY]